Bannix Home Page

Written by Webmaster

We will all remember 2020 in our own way and for our own reasons, and now 2021 is turning out to be another year of cancellations and disruptions for us all.

Most of the content on this website promotes other businesses and venues that, for the near future, are unable to offer services and events due to SARS-Cov-2 (more commonly known as Covid 19).

The Event Calendar has always been a great success but with all functions and shows banned by the UK Government until further notice, I have removed the link until normal service is restored - but please . . . .

--  Send in those Event dates and posters as soon as you have them


Below are a few website links you may find useful....

Covid-19 Vaccinations in Map or Chart Layout (Choose your options - *per 100 is the same as percent)
Covid-19 World Health Organisation Vaccination Monitoring Programme
Covid-19 Update from the UK Government Website 
Covid-19 Regional Map from the UK Government
Covid-19 Update from The World Health Organisation
Covid-19 Update from the Center For Disease Control And Prevention
Covid-19 Update from the John Hopkins Medical University Research Centre
Covid-19 Graphical Dashboard
BBC Covid-19 Post-Code To Check Your Area
Real-Time Figures And Stats from all kinds of Things


These next three are essential if you are travelling around the UK

Live Covid-19 Interactive Map by The ONS (Full Year or Monthly Figures)
Live Covid-19 Zones, Cases, Hotspots, Lockdowns etc. (with switchable layers so you only see the results you want)
Live Covid-19 Figures and Hot-Spots shown as a Map of the United Kingdom

Just as a point of interest, Google Maps now has a basic (using data from the John Hopkins University) Covid 19 Layer which can be switched on or off, either from the mobile menu or from the desktop link on screen.

*Make a note of this one for future use......

Live World Weather

(Drag the Globe, Zoom with Scroll Wheel, Click "Earth" for menu)





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